Looking for Bit Char-G Accord on Best Deals. You can buy it now with special price in stock, low price Bit Char-G: Accord Wagon White Pearl G-15 (35MHz) - 1.0 for sale. Save with fast and might get free shipping service in usa, Best buy and best quality of product from Tomica. Do not miss buy Bit Char-G Accord now!
Bit Char-G Accord Deals
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Here are some of the great features of Bit Char-G: Accord Wagon White Pearl G-15 (35MHz) - 1.0
Bit Char-G Accord, Bit Char-G cars are probably the smallest production R/C cars in the world. This white-pearl colored Accord Wagon Bit Char-G is a mere 7 cm long; its electric motor is just 1.5 cm long--that's only about a half inch! Its mini size allows it to zip, zoom, and maneuver in SIX different driving directions. Adding to the fun of the Bit Char-G is the fact that some assembly is required. Not only do you get to race the car, but you get to build parts of it! The Accord Wagon Bit Char-G set comes with all the parts needed to create the car including the body, medium soft tires, Micro B 1.0 motor, and transmitter. The instructions for assembly are in Japanese, but they feature very clear, easy-to-follow pictures that are numbered in English. The Accord Wagon also requires 2 LR6 (AA) size batteries for the transmitter/charger that are not included. The built-in battery can power the car for 2 minutes at maximum speed. Recharging is accomplished by aligning contacts on the side of the transmitter with those on the bottom of the car. Charge it for 45 seconds and it is ready to race! This official Accord Wagon Bit Char-G is made by Tomy Japan, the original creator of the Bit Char-G line. Please note: In order to race multiple cars against one another, each car needs to operate at a different frequency. This Accord Wagon Bit Char-G operates at 35 MHz.
Save on Bit Char-G: Accord Wagon White Pearl G-15 (35MHz) - 1.0 Order Bit Char-G Accord. Best Deals Bit Char-G: Accord Wagon White Pearl G-15 (35MHz) - 1.0. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Just a few more days to SAVE!