2250 mAh Extended Slim Battery for Samsung Galaxy S2-LTE i727R Skyrocket
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Are you looking for the cheapest in '2250 mAh Extended Slim Battery for Samsung Galaxy S2-LTE i727R Skyrocket Best Deals' ? After a ton of research I found that Amazon store is the lowest price as I can find from online stores. Amazon is always the cheapest prices than other stores and the shipping was very very fast and free.
This 2250 mAh Extended Slim is now on sale on Amazon Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Click on this link to get an immediate discount!
2250 mAh Extended Slim Battery for Samsung Galaxy S2-LTE i727R Skyrocket Details & Features
Samsung i727-S2-HD, ...
Here are some of the great features of 2250 mAh Extended Slim- Quick charge with automatic constant current control prevents battery from overcharging, short...
- Capacity: 2250 mAh; (longer battery life compare to standard battery)
- Buy this Kit and always keep a charged spare battery in your pocket
- Same size as standard battery. Do NOT required to use bulky back cover.
- Please allow the battery to "Condition" with fully charge and discharge 5 times to enjoy max charge capacity.
Get the Best Price for 2250 mAh Extended Slim. Best Deals 2250 mAh Extended Slim Battery for Samsung Galaxy S2-LTE i727R Skyrocket Reasonable Price. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Start Shopping Now!.