Crown Prince Natural Skinless & Boneless Sardines in Pure Olive Oil, 3.75 oz Cans, 12 pk
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Here are some of the great features of Crown Prince Natural Skinless & Boneless Sardines in Pure Olive Oil, 3.75 oz Cans, 12 pk
Crown Prince , Brisling Sardines boast a delicate flavor and firm texture. All varieties are lightly oak-smoked and hand packed in pure olive oil, spring water or tangy mustard. Just one can provide about one-third of the protein needed every day. Brisling Sardines are an excellent source of calcium, and contain 2 grams of omega-3 per serving. Try Brisling Sardines in salads, casseroles, sandwiches or chowders.Features include: -Case of twelve, 3.75-ounce cans (total of 45 ounces) -Hand-filleted and hand-packed in pure cold pressed olive oil-Contains 2g of omega-3 ; kosher-Wild-caught; product of Morocco (Read More)
Cheap Crown Prince Natural. Best Deals Crown Prince Natural Skinless & Boneless Sardines in Pure Olive Oil, 3.75 oz Cans, 12 pk Cheapest Price. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Start Shopping Now!.